Web Survey Membership Plans |
Base Price per Month (USD) (View all pricing) |
$10.00 |
$20.00 |
$40.00 |
Maximum number of responses stored in account (see survey pricing) |
5,000 |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Survey Usage |
Maximum number of surveys per account |
5 |
25 |
50 |
100 |
Maximum number of pages per survey |
5 |
25 |
50 |
100 |
Maximum number of questions per survey |
25 |
100 |
250 |
500 |
Maximum number of responses per survey |
1,000 |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Survey Design |
Use of sample survey templates |
Copy surveys in account |
Number of question types |
15 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor |
Built-in spell checker |
Rich survey text (html coding etc.) |
Insert images and video in questions |
Mark questions as required and set error text. |
Grouping of surveys in account |
Skip Logic (skip pages based on responses) |
Survey Customization |
Create own look & feel with custom color palette |
Use custom CSS stylesheet instead of provided styles |
Multi-lingual surveys (set any language for survey) |
Set custom timezone for survey reporting |
Set all text in any language for buttons, error messages etc. |
Use images for buttons instead of text |
Add logo on the top of survey |
Options for page and question numbering within survey |
Configure and display a progress bar |
Add custom footer in survey |
No 'Powered by WebsiteGear' link on survey |
Survey Deploy Options |
Launch survey with a simple web link (URL) |
Launch survey using a window pop-up |
Launch survey using a dialog within webpage |
Embed survey into your website. |
Set survey open and close based on specific dates |
Set survey open and close based on number of responses |
Use SSL encryption for data collection |
Custom domain or subdomain for survey deployment |
Enable Response Tracking (by cookies and IP tracking) |
Pass in identifying data in survey URL (account ID, name, email, etc.) |
Capture custom data from respondents (account ID, name, email, etc.) |
Prevent duplicate responses based on custom identifying data |
Prompt for a challenge question before allowing responses |
Survey Reporting |
Real-time reporting |
Ability to reset all survey response data |
View response snapshot |
View completion rates |
View graphical response activity by day and month |
Survey summary report |
Survey respondent report with location data (city, state, country) |
Time to complete survey (aggregate and individual responses) |
Filtering of survey response data |
Downloading of survey response data (MS Excel Spreadsheet/CSV formatted) |
Survey Support |
Phone support (Toll free number during office hours) |
Email support |